Online Resources

User our guide to free online resources and find everything from help with kids’ homework to just ways to stay entertained with games and virtual field trips. Explore courses to take your professional skills to the next level, dive into historical research, or browse millions of public domain images, books, and other media for entertainment. There’s even how-to info to help you knock out home projects.

Connect to FREE incredible resources for learning through our resource guide below.

Digital Libraries and Archives

The Alabama Virtual Library

Provides all students, teachers and residents of the State of Alabama with 24/7 online access to premier library and information resources and scholarly databases free of charge

Black Freedom Struggle in the United States

Access expertly selected open primary source documents


A 6,000-page reference center dedicated to Black History

Comic Book Plus

Thousands of Golden and Silver Age comics

Digital Public Library of America

More than 37 million images, texts, videos, and sounds

Farming for a Better Future

History of African-American farmers in North Alabama

International Children’s Library

Children’s books in a huge number of languages


Audiobooks of classic books now in the public domain

Open Culture

Free cultural and educational media

Project Gutenberg

Over 60,000 free eBooks

Homework Help / Kids’ Resources

The Brown Bookshelf

Build awareness of the myriad Black voices writing for young readers.

Disney Junior Online

Games featuring Mickey, Jasmine, Han Solo, and more


Hundreds of educational games, books, comics, and videos

Homework Alabama

Online tutoring and academic resource

International Children’s Library

Children’s books in a vast number of languages

Khan Academy

Personalized learning help

High-quality educational resource for families with young children

Newbery Awards

Find distinguished contributions to American literature for children since 1922

Outstanding International Book List

A yearly list of outstanding books from all over the world, assembled by the United States Board on Books for Young People (USBBY)

PBS Kids

Curriculum-based entertainment

Social Justice Books

Multicultural and social justice books for children, young adults, and educators

Virtual Field Trips

Visit other states, countries across the globe, and even other planets

We Need Diverse Books

Children’s book lover organization that advocates literature that reflects and honors the lives of all young people

Live & Interactive Maps

Bigfoot Sightings Page

Continuously updated map showing reported sightings in the U.S. and Canada


See live air traffic

NORAD’s Santa Tracker

Follow Santa’s journey each year starting Dec. 1

Watch live weather patterns

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